Thursday, September 12, 2013

Madam Manasi Goes on a Trip!

After five years as editor, Senior editor and Commissioning editor at Karadi Tales, Manasi Subramaniam is taking a trip to Harper Collins India, Noida.  We are sure she will be back because who in the world would want to make Delhi their home after living in a culturally vibrant city like Namma Chennai! However, we do understand the needs of the nomad and why one must explore new terrains, fresh pastures and create new experiences for oneself. She moves from the children’s world of fantasy and fiction to the adult world of the same . We wish her much success and much fame and much moneys and sincerely hope that she does not develop the Delhi lingo of books- vooks, publish- vublish, and author-shothor but retains the pure and pristine Chennai English. Okay vaa, Manasi?? 


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